Paying for College in 10 Different Ways

Higher education offers many benefits, such as job stability, increased earning potential, personal development and many more. However, the associated costs make higher education financially inaccessible for many individuals, particularly those from low-income backgrounds.

The financial burden of tuition fees, books, and living expenses deter many from pursuing their academic goals.

There are several ways you can pay for college– especially if you have limited financial resources. From local scholarships, ROTC programs to no-loan schools, you can use various ways to reduce your college financial burden.

This article unveils how you can access the funding you need to pursue higher education. Learn how you can achieve your educational aspirations without letting financial concerns hold you back.

10 Ways to Pay for Your College

Each student’s financial situation, academic background, and circumstances are unique. Therefore, you must explore and evaluate the financial aid options available to you to find the ones you qualify for.

We highly suggest you conduct thorough research on each program before applying to see if it fits your needs. Carefully examine the specific requirements and eligibility criteria to ensure a good fit for your academic goals and financial situation.

Consider the terms and conditions of each financial aid program to make informed decisions about your education financing and turn your desire for a degree into a reality.

Local Scholarships

Local scholarships are a fantastic way to secure funding without the national competition. These are financial awards provided by local entities to support students pursuing higher education.

Local scholarships are offered by businesses, alumni groups, non-profits, religious institutions, local government agencies, and other community organizations within your city or region. For example, the Miami Foundation Scholarships, available in Miami and the San Antonio Area Scholarships in Texas.

To increase your probability of winning a scholarship, follow these steps:

  • Research for local scholarships using your school’s guidance office, scholarship databases, community organizations’ websites, and local newspapers.
  • Review the eligibility requirements for each scholarship to determine if you qualify based on factors such as academic achievement, financial need, extracurricular involvement, community service, or demographic background.
  • Prepare the required application materials like transcripts, letters of recommendation, essays, resumes, or financial aid forms.
  • Submit the application by the specified deadline, ensuring that all required documents are included and submitted correctly.
  • Follow up as needed and respond promptly to any requests for interviews or further information.

Financial Aid Appeals

If your financial situation has recently changed, or you feel there are circumstances that were not initially considered in your financial aid award, you may be eligible to appeal your financial aid package through a financial aid appeal. 

Financial aid appeals provide students with an opportunity to request a review of their financial aid package.

In case you receive a financial aid award but need additional assistance due to changes in your financial situation you’re eligible for an appeal.

There are various reasons why you may choose to appeal your financial aid award. For example, medical bills, unemployment documentation, or a significant income reduction.

Here’s what you’ll need for a strong appeal:

  • Review your school’s website or contact the Financial Aid Office to understand the specific requirements and deadlines for submitting an appeal.
  • Gather relevant documentation to support your appeal, such as tax returns, medical bills, or other evidence of changed circumstances.
  • Write a formal letter explaining the reason for your appeal. The letter should be clear and concise explaining the challenges you’re facing and how they affect your financial situation. Be specific and professional in your tone.
  • Submit the appeal to the Financial Aid Office by the specified deadline.
  • After submitting the appeal, follow up with the Financial Aid Office to confirm receipt and inquire about the timeline for review. Stay in communication with the office and provide any additional information or clarification requested during the appeal process.

No-loan Schools

No-loan schools meet 100% of the financial needs of admitted students without requiring them to take out student loans. They are mostly highly selective institutions with generous funding that allows them to support students financially.

For example:

  • Pomona College, California.
  • Davidson College, North Carolina.
  • Amherst College, Massachusetts.
  • Williams College, Massachusetts.
  • Swarthmore College, Pennsylvania.

These schools often receive a high volume of applications from top students. Therefore, you must prepare for a competitive process. Start by identifying colleges with a history of meeting full financial needs by looking through college websites and ranking lists.

Financial aid packages are based on your demonstrated financial need. This means the school considers your family’s income, assets, and other financial obligations. Additionally, you’ll need to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and additional financial aid forms specific to the school. Getting admitted to a no-loan school may be challenging. However, the financial benefits will help you achieve your educational goals.

Scholarships are academic financial aid awards given to students (or to colleges or universities on the student’s behalf) to offset some or all costs associated with schooling. Many public and private organizations fund scholarships, from state and local governments and nonprofits to private companies and individuals. Some schools even offer their own scholarships to qualifying students.

A scholarship may be awarded for many reasons. Most people know that excellent academics and athletic achievements earn scholarships, but these are far from the only options. In addition to these, scholarships are awarded for things as varied as community service, hobbies, extracurricular activities, group identities (especially those that are underprivileged or less represented), employers, family or personal military membership, low socioeconomic status, and more!

Keep in mind that not all schools accept all scholarships. When considering schools and scholarships, be sure to check with each school you are interested in to discern whether or not specific scholarships are available.

ROTC Programs

Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) programs are educational programs offered by the U.S. Army, Navy (including Marine Corps), and Air Force. ROTC programs prepare college students to become commissioned officers in the military while simultaneously earning a college degree.

ROTC programs are offered at many colleges and universities across the country. For example, Virginia Military Institute, Texas A&M University, and more. The coursework consists of academic courses, leadership training, physical fitness activities, and hands-on military training exercises.

The programs cover full tuition and fees and may include stipends for books and living expenses, in exchange for a service commitment after graduation. To be eligible for an ROTC scholarship, you’ll need to meet academic requirements, pass a physical fitness test, and demonstrate leadership potential. After graduation, you’ll commit to serving a specific period of time on active duty in the respective military branch.

Remember: ROTC programs involve a military service commitment. Carefully research the obligations and lifestyle demands of a military career before applying. If you’re interested in serving your country and are considering a military career, ROTC scholarships are an excellent way to finance your education while gaining leadership experience.

Employer Tuition Assistance

Many companies offer tuition assistance programs to help their employees pursue higher education. This benefit helps reduce the financial burden of a degree by reimbursing you for the tuition costs associated with pursuing job-related courses and degrees.

To find out if your employer offers tuition assistance, review your employee handbook or speak with your human resources department. They can provide specific details about the program, eligibility requirements, and application procedures. Some companies might require a minimum length of employment, good academic standing, or enrollment in job-related degree programs. You may also be required to go through an application process for approval.

Note: In most cases, employees are required to commit to remaining with the company for a certain period of time after receiving tuition assistance. If you leave the company before fulfilling this obligation, you may be required to repay all or part of the assistance received.

Even if your employer doesn’t advertise a formal program, it won’t hurt to have a conversation with your manager about your educational goals. They might be open to offering financial support on a case-by-case basis for valuable employees seeking professional development.

Prior Learning Assesments

If you have gained skills and knowledge through previous work experience, military service, volunteering, or independent study, prior learning assessments (PLAs) can help you translate that experience into college credit, potentially reducing the time and cost of your degree.

Prior learning assessments is a process used by colleges and universities to evaluate and award academic credit for knowledge and skills acquired outside of a traditional classroom. Colleges offer various PLA options, such as portfolio reviews, standardized exams, or written essays demonstrating your knowledge in a specific subject area. Earning credit for prior learning shortens your degree program, allowing you to graduate faster.

Each college sets its own criteria for accepting PLAs. You’ll need to research the specific policies and procedures of the institutions you’re considering. Be prepared to provide evidence of your prior learning, such as work portfolios, military transcripts, or certificates. 

Contact the admissions office at your target colleges to inquire about their PLA policies and available assessments. Leveraging prior learning assessments will help accelerate your path to a degree.

529 College Savings Plan

A 529 college savings plan is a state-sponsored investment account designed specifically to help families save and invest for future higher education expenses. A 529 plan is sponsored by a state government or educational institution. Contributions to a 529 plan are made with after-tax dollars, meaning contributions are not deductible from federal income taxes. 

Once funds are deposited into the 529 account, they are managed by investment firms, and you choose how to invest the funds based on your risk tolerance. For instance, they can be invested in mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs). 

The earnings on these investments grow tax-free, and withdrawals for qualified educational expenses are also tax-free at the federal level. You can open a 529 plan in your state or another state with a plan you prefer. 

Qualified educational expenses include tuition, fees, books, supplies, equipment, and living expenses at eligible educational institutions. Eligible colleges for 529 College Savings Plan funds include a wide range of institutions—for example, WGU, Santa Monica College, Yale, and more.

Regional Tuition Exchange Programs

Regional tuition exchange programs are arrangements among participating states that allow eligible students to attend out-of-state public colleges and universities at reduced tuition rates. 

Regional tuition exchange programs offer a cost-saving option for students who want to attend a college in a participating state outside their own. They allow students to pay in-state or discounted tuition rates at public universities in other states.

Participating colleges and universities agree to offer discounted tuition rates to eligible students from other participating states or regions, often at a rate lower than the standard out-of-state tuition rate. Examples of such programs include:

  • New England Regional Student Program (NERSP) 
  • Midwest Student Exchange Program (MSEP) 
  • Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE) 

These programs aim to provide students with access to educational opportunities not available in their home state while minimizing the financial burden. They have an eligibility criteria. For example, you must be a resident of a participating state and must meet the minimum GPA or pass standardized test scores.

You need to research program details and eligibility requirements early on in your college application process. If you’re eligible, follow these steps:

  • Apply for admission to participating colleges or universities through the regular application process. Indicate interest in the regional tuition exchange program during application.
  • Submit additional documentation such as proof of residency and academic transcripts to verify eligibility for the exchange.
  • Pay attention to application deadlines for both admission to the institution and participation in the regional tuition exchange program.
  • If admitted, you’ll be informed of any eligibility for reduced tuition rates through the regional tuition exchange program. 

Getting enrolled through a regional tuition exchange program can help you attend your dream school in another state, giving you access to more educational opportunities at reduced tuition rates.

Note: Spaces in these programs are limited. We suggest you apply as early as possible.


Fellowships are prestigious awards for students pursuing graduate degrees or advanced research projects. They are awarded by universities, government agencies, non-profit organizations, and private foundations. Unlike scholarships, which are often based on financial need, fellowships are primarily awarded based on academic merit, research potential, or a specific study area.

Fellowships provide full or partial tuition coverage and additional benefits like living stipends, health insurance, and travel allowances. To be eligible, you need to have a strong academic record, research experience, compelling proposals, and letters of recommendation.

The application process is very competitive and often involves multiple stages, including essays, interviews, and research proposals. Finding and applying for fellowships:

  • Explore fellowship programs offered by universities you’re interested in attending.
  • Carefully review application materials and ensure you submit all required components on time.
  • Highlight your academic background, research experience, and career goals compellingly to increase your chances of standing out amongst other applicants.

Fellowships are highly competitive. However, they offer financial support and can be a great way to fund your graduate studies.

Student Loans

Student loans are financial aid that students can borrow to help cover higher education costs. Unlike scholarships or grants, which do not need to be repaid, student loans must be paid back with interest. Federal student loans typically come with flexible repayment options and income-driven repayment plans to help manage your monthly payments after graduation.

There are two main types of federal student loans: subsidized which are need-based, and unsubsidized which are available regardless of financial need.  Interest rates and repayment terms vary depending on the loan type and borrower qualifications.

To qualify for student loans, you must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and meet basic eligibility criteria like citizenship status and enrollment in an accredited degree program. Before borrowing, consider the following:

  • Federal grants, scholarships, and work-study programs should be your primary focus to minimize reliance on loans. Make sure you exhaust these financial aid options first: 
  • Borrow only what you need to avoid excessive borrowing.
  • Understand the repayment commitment and ensure you can comfortably afford the monthly payments after graduation.

Visit the Federal Student Aid website for information about student loans, repayment options, and financial planning tools.

Other Ways to Save Money

While scholarships, financial aid, and alternative funding methods can help reduce college expenses, there are strategic steps you can take to save money throughout your educational journey. 

Here are some additional ideas to consider:

  • Complete the FAFSA: Filling out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) can open doors to various forms of financial aid, including grants, scholarships, and federal student loans. By amplifying your eligibility for these resources, you can reduce the amount of out-of-pocket expenses for college.
  • Enroll in an online degree program: Online degree programs often have lower tuition costs compared to traditional on-campus programs. Additionally, online students can save money on commuting, housing, and other expenses associated with attending classes in person.
  • Change college or university if It’s too expensive: If the cost of attendance at your current college or university is too high, consider transferring to a more affordable institution. Public universities, community colleges, or in-state schools may offer lower tuition rates and fees, helping you save money on your education.
  • Study part-time: Instead of enrolling in a full-time course load, consider studying part-time while working part-time. This approach allows you to spread out your educational expenses over a longer period, making it more manageable to pay for college without accumulating significant debt.
  • Take a gap year: Taking a gap year before starting college can provide an opportunity to work, save money, and gain various experiences. During this time, you can earn income to contribute towards your education fund, reducing the need for student loans or other forms of financial aid.

Each of these strategies offers advantages for saving money on college expenses that can help make higher education more affordable and accessible.